Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cloudy Madikeri Slideshow Slideshow

Cloudy Madikeri Slideshow Slideshow: TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Cloudy Madikeri Slideshow Slideshow ★ to Madikeri. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Little things that count in a relationship

Little Things That Count in a Relationship

1. 1. A good-morning / good-night text

You can make your girl’s day by sending her a lovie-dovie ‘good morning’ text. Nothing makes a girl happier than waking up to a lovely message that wishes her a great day ahead. In case you missed the opportunity to text her in the morning, don’t worry. Send her a good night text and make sure to tuck her in and kiss her good night. She will sleep with the biggest smile on her face and will surely dream of you all night.
Little Things That Count in a Relationship

2. Drop her home safely

When I make the above point I don't expect you to become her personal chauffeur. What you are expected to be is gentleman who drops his girl home after a date or at least offers to do so. This in no way suggests she cannot go alone, or that you alone can protect her. Simply put, it is a kind and chivalrous thing to do and so you must do it.

3. Be her confidante

One of the most precious facets of a relationship is the ability to share and talk random stuff. Listen and accept your partner’s secrets (be it the heavy and serious ones or the outright dumb and funny ones) and become her confidante. In turn, do make it a point to share yours. By doing so, you will open up the channel of communication and facilitate free-talk and the fostering of trust

4. Remember dates

Women have a huge problem with a man’s inability to remember dates. You must avoid pissing her off by making an attempt to remember the dates that matter. Store them in your phone calendar or stick post-its on your office desk if you must, but do not forget important dates!
Little Things That Count in a Relationship

5. Share your ambitions

Opening up to your girl and letting her in on your ambitions and career plans makes her feel needed and important. So don’t shy away from discussing work with her. Ask her for suggestions and inputs and she might just surprise you with her ability to solve your work related problems. (Dating,

Sunday, July 31, 2011


The day you were born you began a learning process that will continue for the rest of your life. You were, from the beginning, molded by your surroundings, parents, relatives, playmates, by all the general attitudes, ideas, and beliefs you came in contact with. Each new year of life added to your past, changing the way you viewed every new day, influencing how you reacted to everything from the simplest daily routines to complex events touching you, your family, and the world you lived in.
As you grew older you interacted with people from different backgrounds with differing ideas about life. Faced with new ideas, you may have defended your beliefs, or you may have completely abandoned your past. However, like most people, you probably belong to that vast river of humanity which lives each moment in the easiest, most pleasant way possible. If so, you were and are more or less able to blend ideas, feelings, philosophies, desires, and realities to justify what you want to do.
Along with the majority of people, you were and are good at sending questions and ideas about the meaning of life and death, as well as thoughts and feelings about what is good and right, deep into the cloudy regions of your mind. Whether we realize it or not, most of us are voluntary prisoners of our minds, unwilling to question who we are and what we believe, happy to simply roll along through life. Most of us will live from birth to death in a world we have fashioned from our past to suit our present. Few of us will ever stand free from our present beliefs and daily lives to ask what is life about? Who am I? What should I do? What will I do? If there is meaning to life, and a reason for living, these questions must be answered.
If there is a true meaning to life, nothing that you do, say, or think will change that truth. What good is it to live your life believing what you are doing is right if your beliefs are false and what you are doing is wrong? It is an understanding of life that we seek, a search for something in life worth living for.
If you are to find the meaning of life you must be willing to recognize it if and when you see it. To do so requires you to open your mind and accept whatever you discover, even if it is totally opposite to your experiences, beliefs, and wishes. Since our discussion deals with the purpose of life, if what we are saying is true, your willingness to understand is a willingness to grasp the very reason for your living. If the answers you find are different from those you have molded for yourself, you must decide whether to continue on the path you are on, or go another way on a new path toward a new destination.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Some flowers grow best in the Sun while others do well in Shade.
Remember, we are put where we grow the best and accordingly we get people and situations to grow with”

Matter Of Feelings...!!!!

i love

i love
hearing you taste my name
perfect consideration
in the timbre of your voice
the way you make me feel safe
i love
reading your vibrant body
perfect passion
in the hunger of your hands
the way you make me feel wanted
i love
grooving in your creative heart
perfect expression
in the poetry of your devotion
the way you make me feel loved
i love
meeting in you a glimmer of the divine
perfect purity
in the bounty of your spirit
the way you make me feel whole
i love


Love is the Answer.

The Good Life

And did you get what
you wanted from this life even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.